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Join The BTPA

BTPA Tractor Registration

Register your pulling tractor for the season ahead, using the BTPA's online registration and payment process. Completed applications will be confirmed by email. The membership period runs from 01 March to 28 February each year.


Pulling Vehicle Registration Form


You will receive a tractor registration sticker and any technical updates applicable to your class / tractor for the season on receipt of registration form and completed clutch inspection sheet.

I Hereby Declare That:

  • I hereby declare that the vehicle I am registering, listed above, is built in accordance with, and complies with the current ETPC rulebook. I understand it is my responsibility to ensure that the vehicle complies with, and is operated in accordance with these rules at all times. (Rulebook available to download, see ‘About Tractor Pulling').
  • I agree to compete and act in a safe and competent way during events.
  • I understand that all tractors without a current season tech inspection sticker are requested to be at the event location a minimum of 3 hours before the event is due to start.
  • I understand that my vehicle will undergo a safety inspection prior to pulling at any BTPA event, failure to pass this inspection may result in the vehicle being unable to compete.
  • I understand that I am expected to carry current season tech/clutch inspection sheets at all events.

Total Cost: £0.00

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